As far as ridiculous conversations that progressed from an auto-correct fail go, this has to be both the strangest I've had and the most impressive, if only because it illustrates how well-read we both are under the lunacy...
Facey McBones:
Hey noodle. You still ok for me to come
over after work today?
Charlie Blowfly:
Yep looking forward to
I plan to poke you with
socks and things
Wtf phone – how is me
poking her with
socks going to help? What happened to
the sticks?
Facey McBones:
Apparently not as terrifying as socks
Charlie Blowfly:
Few things are in my
Facey McBones:
Charlie Blowfly:
... my experience may
be limited.
Facey McBones:
I thought it might
Charlie Blowfly:
Of sticks. I have lots
of sock-related
I’ve read all the
Facey McBones:
You’re beginning to veer slightly into
obscure land here m’dear
Charlie Blowfly:
A Tale of Two Socks
The Taming of the Shoe
Facey McBones:
Oh Christ
To Kill A Stockingbird
Charlie Blowfly:
ROFL well done
Facey McBones:
Charlie Blowfly:
The Adventures of
Sherlock Hose
Moby Sock
Facey McBones:
In Search of Lost Darn
Charlie Blowfly:
Adventures of Tom
Sawyer and
Huckleberry Fishnets
Not to mention of
course Shakespeare’s
A Comedy of Slippers
Facey McBones:
The Foot Soldier
Charlie Blowfly:
Don Quixote of Leg
Facey McBones:
On par with The Great Socksby I’ve always
And who could forget Charlotte’s Legs
Charlie Blowfly:
And Victor Hugo’s
French revolutionary
masterpiece Les Chausettes
masterpiece Les Chausettes
Facey McBones:
Ohh nice one
Charlie Blowfly:
Or that great tale of
adventure, The Man in
the Iron Booties
Ooh ooh – The Jungle
Sock by Rudyard Kipling
Or even Ivanhose
Facey McBones:
I always preferred The BFG
(Big Frilly Garter)
Even Denier Fair
Charlie Blowfly:
Oh well if it’s children’s
books you
want then you can’t go
past Kipling’s
Just Sock Stories
Or Anne of Green
Green Legs and Ham is
good too
What about the WWII classic "Hose Dares Wins"?